Social and Participation Council
The “Social and Participation Council” of the Institut Guttmann is an advisory body attached to the body responsible for the management of the Institut Guttmann, which includes representatives of the major associations of people with disabilities to whom their care activity is directed, related government agencies and professional experts, as well as members of the management team of the institute and a representative of the company committee.
It is a pioneering initiative in the health sector which reinforces the institute’s social commitment, and facilitates movement towards democratic ways of working with greater transparency, control, participation and collective responsibility.

Representing associations:
Ms. Bibiana Bendicho Latre
Chair of ASPID, Associació de Paraplègics i Discapacitats Físics de Lleida (Lleida Association of Paraplegics and the Physically Disabled)
Mr. Artur Altabàs Molina
Chair of MIFAS, Minusvàlids Físics Associats de Girona (Girona Association for the Physically Disabled)
Ms. Ana Cabellos Cano
Chair of Daño Cerebral Estatal
Ms. Agustina Grandvallet
Chair of AMIDA, Asociación de personas con diversidad funcional de Andorra (Association of People with Disabilities of Andorra)
Mr. Albert Carbonell Quer
Chair of the Confederación ECOM Catalunya (ECOM Confederation Catalonia)
Mr. Abel Muñoz Fernández
Chair of the Asociación Catalana “LA LLAR” del afectado de Esclerosis Múltiple (Catalan Association “LA LLAR” for people affected by multiple sclerosis)
Ms. Elisabet Maldonado Peña
Chair of ACAEBH, Asociación Catalana de Espina Bífida e Hidrocefalia (Catalan Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus)
Mr. Ignacio Osorio de Rebellón Villar
Director of Impulsa Igualdad
Mr. Anxo Queiruga Vila
Vice-chair of the Council. Chair of COCEMFE, Confederación Española de Personas con Discapacidad Física y Orgánica (Spanish Confederation of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities)
Mr. Antonio Reyes Chica
Chair of ASPAYM Catalonia, Associació de Paraplègics i grans discapacitats de Catalunya (Association of Paraplegics and the Severely Disabled of Catalonia)
Mr. Ramon Miquel Diorrios Capaces
Chair of APPC, Associats de Pòlio i Post-pòlio de Catalunya (Polio and Post-Polio Association of Catalonia)
Ms. Rosa Sanvicens Oliveras
Chair of TRACE, Asociación Catalana de Traumáticos Craneoencefálicos y Daño Cerebral (Catalan Association of Cranioencephalic Trauma and Brain Injury)
As experts of civil society:
Mr. David Bonvehí i Torras
Lawyer. Former mayor of Fonollosa. Former deputy of the Parliament of Catalonia
Mr. Josep M. Bosch Vidal
Secretary of the Council. Lawyer, expert in health law and personal data protection
Mr. Joan Pahisa Solé
Doctor of Computer Science. Accessibility Expert
Ms. Teresa Palahí Juan
Regional CERMIS Commissioner
Mr. Joan Subirats Humet
Professor of Political Science and IGOP researcher
Mr. Antoni Vilà Mancebo
Chair of the Council. Degree in Law. Expert in Social Policies.
Representing the government agencies:
Ms. Cecilia Fábregues i Arbués
Head of Sectoral Programmes of the Department of Social Rights of the Generalitat de Catalunya
Mrs. Judit Viñals Castells
Executive Director of the Barcelonès North and Maresme Sector of the RSB. Catalan Health Service. Departament de Salut.
Mr. Xavier Garcia Albiol
Mayor of Badalona
Ms. Carme Riu Pascual
Member of the Governing Council of the Institut Municipal de Persones amb Discapacitat, Ajuntament de Barcelona
Representing the Institut Guttmann:
Dra. Montserrat Bernabeu Guitart
Co-director and Head of Medical Area
Ms. Montse Caldés Santamaría
Co-director and Managing Director
Ms. Elisabet González Martín
CSR and Communication
Ms. Ana Suñé Peremiquel
Expert on Independent Living
Ms. Blanca Cegarra Dueñas
Patient Experience and Social Research
Ms. Jana Arimany Cañas
CSR and Communication
Mr. Andrés Pajuelo Dorado
In behalf of Works Council
Joint Committee
The Institut Guttmann – UAB Joint Committee is the planning and monitoring body for the activities of the Guttmann University Institute of Neurorehabilitation, affiliated with the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Formed by three representatives of the Institut Guttmann and three from the University, the Joint Committee coordinates the relationship between both parties and has various responsibilities:
- To ensure compliance with established goals.
- To establish the research and teaching lines of the University Institute.
- To promote the course offerings and guarantee the quality of all courses.
- To promote partnerships.
- To report on issues arising from the affiliation agreement.
Composition of the Institut Guttmann - UAB Joint Committee:
Assumpció Malgosa Morera
Vice Chancellor of Research
Manel Armengol Carrasco
Delegate of the Rector for Relations with Health Institutions
Salvador Navarro Soto
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
Montse Caldés Santamaria
Manager and Codirector, Institut Guttmann
Joan Vidal Samsó
Education Director, Institut Guttmann
Javier Solana Sanchez
Research Director, Institut Guttmann