The Institut Guttmann Neurorehabilitation Hospital is a highly specialised centre in the medical and surgical treatment and comprehensive rehabilitation of people with spinal cord injury, acquired brain injury or other neurological disabilities.
We provide expert, personalised attention with the highest human, scientific and technical level, and uphold a continuous commitment to quality as a Centre of Excellence with the most prestigious health accreditations.

Hospital that is part of the Comprehensive Public Health System of Catalonia (SISCAT) accredited in 2013 by the hospital accreditation service in Catalonia, and with a valid certificate.

Recognised by the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality as a National Reference Centre (CSUR) for the treatment of complex spinal cord injury, being the only one in Catalonia.

Centre internationally accredited by the Joint Commission International which certifies that the Institut Guttmann meets international standards of quality in health care and organisational management.
(*) The NPS is a way of measuring customer experience, which serves to monitor over time the organization's ability to retain and satisfy customer needs.
Neurorehabilitation is a complex and highly specialised clinical process that is used to restore, minimise and/or compensate for functional alterations in individuals affected by disability caused by an injury to the nervous system.
When a person’s capacities and lifestyle and that of their loved ones are altered due to an unexpected situation, patients face a learning curve in terms of physical, psychological and social dimensions alike, affecting the individuals themselves and their families. Neurorehabilitation plays a key role in achieving the highest possible level of autonomy, recovery of self-esteem, and satisfactory active and mainstream social inclusion.
Care model

With over 55 years of experience treating people affected by neurological disabilities, the Institut Guttmann’s care model is based on the intervention of an expert multidisciplinary team put together for each patient. This model, along with the quality and experience of the hospital’s professionals and modern facilities that continuously incorporate the most innovative technologies in the specialty, make the Institut Guttman one of the world’s leading hospitals in its field.
We approach patient care in a global and comprehensive way, always seeking the involvement and participation of families in the rehabilitation process.
Paediatric neurorehabilitation
Paediatric neurorehabilitation
The Child and Youth Rehabilitation Unit of the Institut Guttmann cares for patients between the ages of 0 and 16 with neurological disabilities.
Outcomes of the rehabilitation process
We assess the short-, medium- and long-term outcomes of the rehabilitation process to determine the benefits of our therapeutic process on the functionality, quality of life and participation in the community of the patients we see. This allows us to determine the evolution of our outcomes and compare them with those of other centres specialising in neurorehabilitation on an international level.
Spinal cord injury
Patients who return home
Acquired brain injury
Patients who return home
Functionality achieved
Our patients achieve functional levels equal to those expected for the degree of injury and equivalent to those obtained at the main rehabilitation centres in Europe and the United States. We measure functionality using the international Functional Independence Measure (FIM) scale, and by grouping patients according to the neurological level of the ASIA (American Spinal Injury Association) scale, which is the international classification of spinal cord injuries and groups their severity into grades A, B, C and D.
Quality of life and activities of daily living
Rehabilitation takes on its true meaning and usefulness when it allows people to maximise their functional autonomy and go about their lives with dignity, independence, quality of life and active social participation, despite their functional limitations.
This is what we measure through the regular assessments that we carry out with all our former patients using the Community Integration Questionnaire (CIQ) which helps measure the level of community integration after an injury.