Why is your collaboration important?
You will make it possible for patients to receive the best neurorehabilitation and for their time in the hospital to be a motivating and hopeful experience.
Here are some ways you can help us:
- Making a donation
- Participating in research projects
- Be a volunteer
- Organizing a charity eventsolidari
You can be a key piece in many people's lives.
Projects that need your support
Help us build Europe’s most advanced Functional Rehabilitation Area
Through your donation, you help us carry out awareness-raising, prevention, participation and inclusion initiatives.

Do you know that if you support us you get an even BIGGER reward?
If you give up to 250€, you get 100% back*
I want to make a donation
By following just a few simple steps, you will help improve our patients’ daily lives.
Other ways to support us
To contact us
Team Friends of the Institut Guttmann
Carol Mendoza
Jana Arimany
T. +34 934 977 700
For Bank Transfers
IBAN ES21 2100 0555 37 0200900995