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Code of ethics, transparency and good governance

The Foundation

The Fundació Institut Guttmann, with business identification number G08519100, is a social initiative entity with registration number 189 in the Register of Private Foundations of Catalonia’s Department of Justice. Classified as a caring charitable organisation since 1965, it is an entity considered a beneficiary of patronage in accordance with Law 49/2002, of 23 December, “on the tax regime of non-profit entities and tax incentives for patronage”.

  • The foundation is the owner of the “Institut Guttmann - Neurorehabilitation Hospital” which is registered under number H08000723 in the Registry of Health Centres and Services of the Health Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
  • The Institut Guttmann is part of the Sistema Nacional de Salud (Catalan Health System, SISCAT), being accredited as a referral hospital by the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya and also as a National Reference Centre (CSUR) for the treatment of complex spinal cord injury by the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.
  • The Foundation is the owner of the "Brain Health and Neurorehabilitation Institute” -ISCiN-, which is registered with the number E08699734 in the Register of Health Centers and Services of the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
  • It is also the owner of “Guttmann Barcelona Life” initiative, which is registered with the number S09911 in the Register of Social Entities, Services and Establishments of the Department of Labor, Social Affairs and Families of the Generalitat de Catalunya. 
  • The initiative “Guttmann Servicios Integrales a Domicilio” (Guttmann Comprehensive Home Services) is registered under number U0898244T in the Registry of Centres, Services and Health Institutions of the Department of Health.
  • The institute is registered under number E01024 in the Registry of Entities, Services and Social Institutions of the Department of Work, Social Welfare and Family of the Generalitat de Catalunya. It is also registered in the same Registry as a social care organisation under the number S05565.
  • As a University Institute of Neurorehabilitation, the institute is affiliated to the UAB by Decree 230/2001 of the Generalitat de Catalunya, having begun its teaching activities in 1999. [Art. 7.2 ORDRE JUS/152/2018]
  • The Fundació Institut Guttmann is registered in the Generalitat de Catalunya's Register of Interest Groups of Catalonia and its public sector with registration number 371. Resolution of the General Directorate of Law and Legal Entities.

To contact the foundation: [Art. 7.1 b), k) ORDRE JUS/152/2018]

By post to the address:
Fundació Institut Guttmann
Camí de Can Ruti, s/n
08916 Badalona

By email to the address:

Institutional website:
You can visit Institut Guttmann via our website: available in Catalan, Spanish and English.

Code of ethics

The Institut Guttmann maintains legal, honest, ethical and responsible behaviour, and is also keen to promote this behaviour among other people, institutions and entities with whom it interacts in order to carry out its objectives.

With this objective in mind, the Institut Guttmann regulates its actions and that of its staff and partners, as well as the relationship it maintains with third parties, through:

The Institut Guttmann Code of Ethics, which includes all norms with regard to the actions, ethical principles and rules of conduct that should guide the actions of everybody who, in one way or another, performs their functions within the organisation. These norms thereby promote the actions that make it possible to carry out the different founding objectives (members of the Board of Trustees, management team, staff, external partners...). [Art. 10.1 a) ORDRE JUS/152/2018]

Any non-compliance with or violation of this code must be reported so it can be corrected immediately.

In the event that entities we work with, patients and their families, professionals or other institutions that we have a relationship with have knowledge of any irregular practice related to the non-compliance with or violation of the behaviours included in the Code of Ethics or in the organisation’s Code of Conduct, they should inform the Institut Guttmann using the communication channels established for this purpose:

By email to the address:

By post to the address:
Fundació Institut Guttmann.
Management - Code of Ethics
Camí de Can Ruti, s/n
08916 Badalona

These channels will also be used to deal with any questions related to the interpretation of the principles mentioned within the documents on the Code of Ethics, Transparency and Good Governance portal.

The Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Partners, he main aim of which is to ensure that criteria of social responsibility are upheld at all levels of the organisation's value chain. With this in mind, the Institut Guttmann works to seek excellence, prioritising reaching the highest standards of quality, maximum prevention and protection of human capital and their environment, and paying back to society within the principle of social commitment. [Art. 10.2 c) ORDRE JUS/152/2018]

Any non-compliance with or violation of this code must be reported so it can be corrected immediately.

In the event that entities we work with, patients and their families, professionals or other institutions that we have a relationship with have knowledge of any irregular practice related to the non-compliance with or violation of the behaviours included in the Code of Ethics or in the organisation’s Code of Conduct, they should inform the Institut Guttmann using the communication channels established for this purpose:

By email to the address:

By post to the address:
Fundació Institut Guttmann
Management - Code of Ethics
Camí de Can Ruti, s/n
08916 Badalona

These channels will also be used to deal with any questions related to the interpretation of the principles mentioned within the documents on the Code of Ethics, Transparency and Good Governance portal.


In addition to expressing its desire for transparency, in this section the Institut Guttmann wishes to fully comply with the Department of Justice Order 152/2018 of 12 September, which establishes new parameters to which foundations and associations are subject, declared of public utility to the instruments of transparency established by Law 21/2014, of 29 December, to which the protectorate of foundations and verification of associations’ activity declared of public utility are subject.


The Foundation’s Articles of Association set the founding goal of FIG at the same time as its definition, organization and activity. [Art. 7.1 e) ORDRE JUS/152/2018]

The governing bodies of the Fundació Institut Guttmann are specified in the fourth chapter of the Founding Articles of Association. [Art. 7.1 f) ORDRE JUS/152/2018]

A list of the people who occupy positions in the institute’s different governing and management bodies are published on the website. [Art. 7.1 c) ORDRE JUS/152/2018]

The organisational structure of the Institut Guttmann is found in its  functional organigram (2023). Information on the functions assigned to each area is found in the different sections of the website. [Art. 7.1 g) ORDRE JUS/152/2018].

This annual evaluation is issued by the Governing Body with regard to the election and operation of its management and control bodies, the way in which they relate to each other and their structure: Annual Corporate Governance Report 2023 (Art. 10.2 d) ORDRE JUST/152/2018.

The Institut Guttmann informs about all the activities it carries out in its different areas through the Annual Report, which has included the Corporate Social Responsibility Report since 2015. [Art. 10.2 a) i 7.1 a), j) ORDRE JUS/152/2018]

In relation to their purpose, the beneficiaries of our activities are the collectives listed in Chapter Three, Article 8.2 of our Founding Articles of Association. [Art. 10.1 b) ORDRE JUS/152/2018]

These documents display the quality of the services provided by the Institut Guttmann, its search for excellence, as well as the preservation of the environment; in turn, they are examples of good governance and management practices, and of the institute’s transparency. [Art. 10.1 a) ORDRE JUS/152/2018]

Audits and reports:


An independent expert firm audits the Institut Guttmann’s accounts every year in order to guarantee sound management of its assets. [Art. 7.1 d) i 11, ORDRE JUS/152/2018]

You may access the contract for the provision of health services signed with CatSalut for patient care below, as well as the most recent clauses that have been signed and that are therefore, valid today. [Art. 10.2 b) ORDRE JUS/152/2018]

Attached are contracts, grants, subsidies and awards obtained from public administrations, granted as a result of participation in a public competition procedure during the last financial year, indicating essential elements such as the description of the contract, the amount awarded and the execution period. [Art. 10.2 b) ORDRE JUS/152/2018]

With the aim of establishing synergies with other health organisations, the Institut Guttmann has signed different collaboration agreements, including the following:


Good Governance

The Fundació Institut Guttmann wishes to be an example of good governance and good management at the service of people and of our country, striving to build an organisation focusing on excellence that is sustainable, innovative, committed to the environment and the people it deals with and, in addition, to the people who work for it, whilst using these aims to help the society it serves develop and make progress. 

The Foundation's Articles of Association set the founding goal of FIG at the same time as its definition, organization and activity. [Art. 7.1 e) ORDRE JUS/152/2018]

The institute's mission, vision and values are found in the Strategic Plan and they are published here. [Art. 7.1 i) ORDRE JUS/152/2018]

Our institutional PURPOSE is set out in Article 7 of the Articles of Association. [Art. 7.1 h) ORDRE JUS/152/2018]

The Institut Guttmann Foundation, as a Private Foundation and a non-profit organization, has as its main objective to promote, and achieve the comprehensive rehabilitation of people affected by a spinal cord injury, acquired brain damage or other disability of neurological origin, to develop research and teaching in this field of neuroscience, and to provide them with the most convenient support and services to achieve a satisfactory social reintegration; and at the same time contribute to the full recognition of their rights and to an effective equalization of opportunities.

The Strategic Plan 2025-2027 has been approved by the governing bodies and it is to be developed through different programmes and plans. [Art. 10.1 d) ORDRE JUS/152/2018]

The Corporate Social Responsibility Policy 2020-2025 derives from this Strategic Plan, containing the principles on the basis of which decisions are made to achieve the institution’s objectives. This is a cross-cutting document that expresses the will, objectives, orientations, strategies and continuous action of our management system.

The Annual Activity 2024 contains specific descriptions of the activities that are planned for the year. [Art. 10.1 c) ORDRE JUS/152/2018]