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Mou-te... i Veuràs! (“Move… and You’ll See!” initiative)

The Institut Guttmann organises this inclusive physical education activity every year with its “Move... and You’ll See!” initiative.

These are inclusive cooperative physical activity days which have two purposes.


To help schools with the participation of children with disabilities in physical education activities. This initiative is therefore aimed mainly at schools that have a student with a disability and who wish to work with the entire class group to promote mainstreaming and the inclusion of functional diversity. 

2 To contribute to training teachers, especially teachers and graduates in physical education, in order to promote the inclusion of children with disabilities in mainstream schools. The Conference is therefore held in collaboration with Blanquerna University, and future teachers and experts in sport and physical education are in charge of thinking up new proposals for activities and participating in keeping the groups active.

The activities are generally carried out in the facilities of the Institut Guttmann’s Neurorehabilitation Hospital, in Badalona, and are run by experts in group work and people with disabilities who are responsible for promoting the collective effort so that no child is excluded from any activity in their immediate environment using knowledge, teaching, learning and advice.

If you are a teacher and you would like your school to participate in ¡Muévete… y verás!, please complete the following form and we will get in touch.

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