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Neuropsychology and school: Modeling the brain

Neuropsychology and school: Modeling the brain

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Neuropsicología y escuela: Modelando el cerebro

The XXIX Institut Guttmann Technical Symposia took place on 20th April at the ONCE Auditorium in Barcelona, under the title "Neuropsychology and school: Modeling the brain."

The development of executive functions in children and youth in the school environment, as well as rehabilitation neuropsychology applied in cases of children and youth with special difficulties, were the main issues discussed during this scientific event.

Dr. Brian E. Kolb and Dr. Adele Diamond, both key figures in this field of study, talked about the subject of brain development and executive functions. Dr. Antonia Enseñat, neuropsychologist of the Institut Guttmann, explained how to perform the intervention in children who have suffered an acquired brain injury, highlighting the important role of the family in the recovery and the intervention of a multidisciplinary team of experts .

A roundtable on learning disabilities and the presentation of Dr. David Bueno, who deepened with his lecture on the topic of neuroeducaction, closed an annual meeting, which has already become compulsory attendance to the scientific community and industry professional, and that more on this occasion had the climax of the book presentation  "Children with cerebral paralysis. Guide for parents. "