Presentation of a book about Brain Health
Presentation of a book about Brain Health
This Tuesday, February 19, the presentation of the book "El cerebro que cura" took place in the new Guttmann Barcelona center, with the participation of the authors Álvaro Pascual-Leone of the University of Harvard and David Bartrés-Faz of the University of Barcelona. Both authors, who are part of the research project Barcelona Brain Health Initiative, for the promotion of brain health,they have now worked together in a book that synthesises and clarifies what are the key factors in maintaining a healthy brain throughout life .
The act was presented by the journalist Mercedes Milá, who drove the questions clearly to clarify to the assistants how to apply these healthy habits of life, focusing much on the importance of having a Vital Plan that is the engine of our life.
The presentation was a huge success thanks to the great assistance, the participation of everyone and a pleasant closing with the signing of the books by the scientists.