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Monday, 17 June, 2024
nstitut Guttmann researcher Alba Roca was one of the winners at the first edition of the Innomed Awards for innovation in health, during the pitching session in which she presented the Guttmann Cognitest project. The jury highlighted the quality of all the business ideas presented, among which was also the Non-Stroke project by Roger Bragulat, physiotherapist at the Institute of Brain Health and...
Thursday, 13 June, 2024
The neuropsychologist Alberto García-Molina has been awarded by the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN) with the History of Neurology Award in recognition of his contribution to the dissemination of the history of neuroscience. The SEN has recognized the scientific value of its neurohistorical publications in several national and international scientific journals, with a special mention to the book...
Wednesday, 5 June, 2024
Today, June 5, we celebrate World Environment Day with the slogan: "Land restoration, resilience to drought and desertification" In the last 3 years, the Institut Guttmann has, with all its actions, reduced CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by 22.74%, an action equivalent to planting 723 trees. The environmental responsibility measures of the Badalona and Barcelona centers address sustainability...
Monday, 3 June, 2024
We close the 5th edition of Vida Activa, program of empowerment, community training and initiation to independent living. This edition has had the participation of 5 people who have a spinal cord injury, some of them recently acquired and others of several years of evolution. Accompanied by professionals from the Institut Guttmann and mentors, they have put into practice those tools that allow...
Friday, 17 May, 2024
At the Institut Guttmann we celebrate that the Abertis Foundation is celebrating 25 years generating a global impact in areas such as road safety, the environment, social action and culture. Thanks to strategic alliances, with partners such as UNICEF and UNESCO, the Foundation, which reflects the Group's commitment to society, promotes projects that promote social transformation and sustainable...
Tuesday, 7 May, 2024
El Cor de Guttmann initiative, to build the most advanced Functional Rehabilitation Area in Europe, received great support last weekend with different solidarity proposals organized by people and entities that trust and bet on the mission and vision of the Institut Guttmann. On Friday, May 3, a charity tattoo day organized by Cristina from Blonde Girl Tattoo took place in Figueres. Cristina is the...
Tuesday, 30 April, 2024
Beines de Mielina, a podcast co-produced by the Institut Guttmann and Badalona Comunicació, was awarded yesterday with the Premi Sonor for Best Branded Content Podcast, at a gala held at the 1889 Auditorium of the Futbol Club Barcelona. The production competed with L'Espurna, from the Espurnes Barroques Festival, and Paraules Habitables, from La Xarxa. The Sonor Awards, organised by Catalunya...
Monday, 22 April, 2024
After more than 2 years collecting data from a cohort of more than 2,000 people with disabilities living in Spain and Andorra, the PARTICIPA project of the Institut Guttmann reveals in its first report a large number of barriers that significantly reduce the quality and quantity of participation in society of people with disabilities, and reveals factors traditionally little known, such as the...
Friday, 12 April, 2024
The Beines de Mielina podcast, co-produced by the Institut Guttmann and Badalona Comunicació, is one of the finalists in the third edition of the Sonor Awards for podcasts in Catalan, organised by Catalunya Ràdio and La Mira. The co-production is up for the award in the Best Branded Content Podcast category, along with L'Espurna (Festival Espurnes Barroques) and Paraules habitables (La Xarxa). The...
Friday, 8 March, 2024
Every year, International Women's Day offers us the opportunity to reflect on the progress achieved but also on the pending challenges in the fight for gender equality. It is a time to recognize the contributions of women to society and to claim their fundamental rights in all areas of life. At the Institut Guttmann, we join this celebration by recognizing the importance of guaranteeing equal...