The Institut Guttmann, with its modern neurorehabilitation hospital, contributes to the practical training of future healthcare professionals. These internships allow students to complete the theoretical training received in the curricula of their respective universities or colleges, whilst learning about and being trained in the habits and working methods of our institution and specialty.
So that students can get the most out of these internships, before starting they must take the Introduction to Neurorehabilitation course which gives them a clear general overview of the complex neurorehabilitation process. This internship is the result of cooperation between the Institut Guttmann and university faculties and colleges, which formalise the recognition of this experience in their respective training programmes by means of a collaboration agreement.
Since 2001, the Institut Guttmann has been recognised by the National Commission of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs as an Associated Teaching Unit for postgraduate medical training, complementary to the specialisation Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
To do this, it has a teaching programme for clinical residences in the Spinal Cord Injury Unit and the Brain Injury Unit that takes place over a minimum period of 2 months in either unit, or for three months, with one and a half months in each unit. These stays are for resident doctors R3 or higher.
There is also a rotating programme of at least one month in the Neuro-Urology Service so that future specialists in Urology can be introduced to the pathology of the neurogenic bladder.
What should you do to apply for a residency?
- Contact the Teaching Secretary via e-mail, proposing dates and/or units that interest you, and indicating which hospital/university you belong to.
- Places are registered in order of receipt, and we will contact you to inform you of the status of your application.
- If your application is accepted, you will be provisionally awarded the place while awaiting formal authorisation from our Teaching Committee.
- To obtain authorisation you must complete the following administrative procedures:
- The Teaching Committee of the hospital where you are doing your residency must send a formal request for residency by post to our hospital’s Teaching and Research Committee; you should indicate your personal details, your course and specialisation, period of time, and unit or units requested.
- Email us a copy of your DNI (Spanish ID document)/NIE (foreigner’s ID number)/passport, a passport photograph, a copy of your CV and a copy of your university degree.
- Once the Teaching Committee has assessed and approved your application, we will send an authorisation letter, copied to the applicant's Teaching Committee, so you can begin the process of a residency in our hospital.
Other professional staff
The Institut Guttmann has established collaboration agreements with various universities for the practical training of professionals who are taking specialised studies in their own professional areas: Behavioural Psychology, Neuropsychology, etc.
Residencies are also offered to professionals who come from other hospitals, both in Spain and internationally, especially Latin America, and who are interested in learning about the Institut Guttmann, following its training programmes, deepening their knowledge of our characteristic care model and collaborating in research projects.