Cristina Bonet

Cristina Bonet
An occupational therapist specialising in home and community care and a consultant specialising in accessibility and support products, she has a postgraduate degree in Cognitive Stimulation and a master’s degree in Movement and Dance Therapy. She has been trained in different techniques in the field of Neurorehabilitation, such as basal stimulation, Bobath, Affolter and Perfetti.
She has been a member of the Specialist Assessment and Support Team (EASE) since its creation in 2000 and was responsible for designing and implementing the ‘post-discharge programme for people with acquired brain injury and their families in the community environment’, as well as an active member in developing and running the ‘home neurorehabilitation hospitalisation programme for patients with spinal cord injury’.
She combines this work with teaching on the master’s degree in Neurorehabilitation taught by Institut Guttmann.