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 | Institut Guttmann

Sheila Lozano Claverias

“It has been a genuine pleasure to be in the hands of this great multidisciplinary team.”

Sheila Lozano
24 years old - Albinyana

In March 2020, when working as a nurse, I caught Covid-19, and the symptoms persisted after the acute phase of the disease, continuing over time. These symptoms appeared in the form of outbreaks such as asthenia, dyspnoea on minimal effort, muscle weakness, tachycardia, chest pain, joint and muscle pain, headaches, dizziness and cognitive impairment, among others. 

My 8 weeks of post-Covid treatment at the Institut Guttmann have meant a before and an after. It has been a genuine pleasure to be in the hands of this great multidisciplinary team. The programme alternates face-to-face medicine and telematics, in addition to personalised treatment to treat the three spheres: physical, respiratory and cognitive. The asthenia has improved and I have increased my tolerance to exertion. I have gained muscle strength and my muscle weakness has improved. The pain has also improved slightly. With regard to cognitive impairment, I received neuropsychological rehabilitation treatment using the GNPT platform, which helped me improve my attention and executive functions.