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Saturday, 30 April, 1966
I am pleased to wish the Institut Guttmann, its founders and the patients who are treated there, the success they deserve; some for their good intentions and great knowledge, and others, the patients, for the trust they place in the doctors who care for them. Barcelona can be proud of having a centre that, although it is modest at the moment, will surely grow as do all products that unite love and...
Friday, 31 December, 1965
Implementation of interdisciplinary teamwork.
Sunday, 31 October, 1965
The date 26 November 1965 was one of the most important days of my life. I participated in the creation of the first Spinal Cord Injury Unit in Spain. This was possible thanks to the tremendous efforts, courage and perseverance of my patient and good friend Guillermo González Gilbey, who has honoured me by naming this unit “Institut Guttmann”. The opening ceremony was very emotional and I am sure...