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Friday, 13 October, 2017
The patients at the Institut Guttmann were surprised at the sports hall of the hospital with the visit of the professional tennis player Tommy Robredo. First, adult patients with different types of injuries enjoyed an afternoon playing with the tennis player, demonstrating that it is possible to take advantage of all the benefits of this sport, regardless of the capabilities of each one...
Tuesday, 10 October, 2017
On 5 and 6 October, the BDebate "Integrating Societies and Disability: Open and Intelligent Cities from the Social Sciences" was organized at the CosmoCaixa in Barcelona by the Institut Guttmann, Biocat and "la Caixa" Obra Social and with the collaboration of the Institute of Government and Public Policies (IGOP-UAB). The seminars, led scientifically by Dr. Josep M. Tormos and Mr. Angel Gil of the...
Tuesday, 19 September, 2017
Yesterday, Monday 18th September, took place the inauguration ceremony of the new teaching course 2017-2018 for the Instiitut Guttmann University Masters. The ceremony was with the presence of a part of the students enrolled and it was attended by Dr. Manel Armengol, delegate of the UAB dean for Relations with Health Institutions and also member of the Joint Committee of our University Institute...
Wednesday, 13 September, 2017
After six intense days, on Friday, 8th September, closed the first edition of the Spinal Camp H2O, an international campus for water activities co-organized by the Institut Guttmann and the Sunnaas Hospital (Norway) that took place in the localities of Barcelona, Torredembarra and Badalona. The group of members was formed by 30 young people with spinal injuries from different Nordic countries and...
Friday, 8 September, 2017
Twenty participants from the Institut Guttmann and participants of Sports & Life Guttmann Club, together with the 30 participants of Camp Spinal H2O and their staff, participated together in the Mile of Poblenou, a sports event and a celebration that marks the beginning of a Barcelona neighborhood. The popular race became a very inclusive race!
Sunday, 3 September, 2017
After six intense days, on Friday, 8th September, closed the first edition of the Spinal Camp H2O, an international campus for water activities co-organized by the Institut Guttmann and the Sunnaas Hospital (Norway) that took place in the localities of Barcelona, Torredembarra and Badalona. The group of members was formed by 30 young people with spinal injuries from different Nordic countries and...
Thursday, 3 August, 2017
The Minority Neuromuscular Diseases Unit of the Department of Neurosciences of the Germans Trias Hospital and the Institut Guttmann have started a comprehensive care program for people with neuromuscular diseases. This program includes, among others, a multidisciplinary consultation that was launched last Wednesday, July 26th. These work sessions are composed of neurologists, pulmonologists...
Thursday, 3 August, 2017
We have returned to Torredembarra with Sports & Life Guttmann Club, where with the Onawa of M. Rota Diving, an accessible catamaran, we sailed to the open sea. On the coast of Altafulla we have dived and enjoyed the marine biotopes that allow to observe the flora and native fauna in an exceptional way. It has been a great experience for everybody!
Saturday, 29 July, 2017
Sports & Life Guttmann Club has organized a weekend of paddle surfing in Cabrera de Mar with two groups of patients, one on Saturday and the other on Sunday. Both wheelchair users and their friends and family could have their first contact with this water sport, as well as enjoy a swim in the sea, a pleasure that some of them had not been able to experience for years.
Friday, 28 July, 2017
Sports & Life Guttmann Club has organized a weekend of paddle surfing in Cabrera de Mar with two groups of patients, one on Saturday and the other on Sunday. Both wheelchair users and their friends and family could have their first contact with this water sport, as well as enjoy a swim in the sea, a pleasure that some of them had not been able to experience for years.