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Monday, 9 July, 2018
For the fourth consecutive time, the Institut Guttmann has managed to revalidate one of the most demanding and exhaustive audits related to the management of the quality of health organizations, the Joint Commission International. The Guttmann Institute was first credited 13 years ago and since then, the organization has not ceased to believe in the importance of continuous improvement, without...
Wednesday, 4 July, 2018
The fight for equal opportunities, overcoming, equity and social justice are and will be our shared values. The rights of people with disabilities are our nexus of union. You can always count on my support, love and solidarity. To the whole team of professionals and technicians that make this reality possible, other models to do: Congratulations and many successes.
Tuesday, 3 July, 2018
We are pleased to present the 2017 Annual Report and the Corporate Social Responsibility Report which shows the main actions carried out during the year 2017. From 2017, special mention should be made of obtaining accreditation in Social Corporate Responsibility IQnet-SR10, and passing the audit of the self-evaluation of the Balance of the Economy of the Common Good with a score of 693 out of 1...
Friday, 22 June, 2018
The director of the Servei Català de Trànsit, Juli Gendrau, accompanied by the director of the Institut Guttmann Foundation, Dr. Josep M. Ramírez, inaugurated the VII Meeting of monitors of the Game Over preventiion program and police educators in road safety, organized by the Institut Guttmann. This year the day has focused on the phenomenon of distractions, under the title 'Distractions, a risk...
Wednesday, 13 June, 2018
One more year, the Institut Guttmann has organized with the collaboration of the Servei Català de Trànsit, the VII Meeting of road education with monitors of the Game Over program and also with police educators in road safety. This year the meeting focused on the distractions, with the title 'Distractions, an unperceived risk?'. and structured in talks, a round table and a debate with the...
Tuesday, 5 June, 2018
The director of the Institut Guttmann, Dr. Josep M. Ramírez, has traveled toMoscow to take part in the most important congress on Neurorehabilitation of the Russian Federation. He gave the main conference of the congress and, subsequently, a second addressed to 70 leaders of the Russian health system about Catalonia's public-private collaboration mode. More than 800 professionals related to...
Thursday, 10 May, 2018
The members of the Board of Trustees and the Social and Participation Council of the Institut Guttmann have made their first visit to the Guttmann Barcelona building. The new facility, located at the site of the old hospital in the La Sagrera neighborhood, include two well differentiated initiatives; On the one hand, Guttmann Barcelona Life, the apartments that have been designed especially for...
Monday, 23 April, 2018
On 18th and 19th April 18, took place in the Institut Guttmann the festival "Move... and you'll see!" under the topic of "Games and dances of Africa". This festival of cooperative physical activity have been organized for 15 years now and it is a benchmark for inclusive school education. More than 300 students of primary and secondary school education in Vilassar de Mar, Santa Coloma de Gramenet...
Thursday, 19 April, 2018
Based on cooperative teaching and learning, and taking into account that physical education has a fundamental socializing role as a space for welcoming and for equal opportunities, the Institut Guttmann organized the "Move and ... you'll see!". These journeys included different schools of children that are on treatment at the Institut Guttmann, and work within the child rehabilitation program with...
Tuesday, 17 April, 2018
For a week, two psychologists specialized in child neurorehabilitation and the pediatrician who is responsible for the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital Rehabilitation Service, have completed a training session at the Institut Guttmann to learn more about the telerehabilitation platform, Guttmann NeuroPersonalTrainer® , besides knowing the facilities and the activity that we carry out here. The...