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Friday, 17 February, 2023
The Conseller of Social Rights of the Generalitat of Catalonia, the Hon. Mr. Carles Campuzano, has visited the centre that the Institut Guttmann has in Barcelona, in the district of La Sagrera, which includes the Institute of Brain Health and Neurorehabilitation Guttmann Barcelona and the apartments for the promotion of independent living for people with disabilities, Guttmann Barcelona Life...
Monday, 16 January, 2023
The Institut Guttmann will start in the coming weeks a study, funded by La Marató de TV3, to assess the feasibility of the application of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) at home and without medical staff for cases of resistant depression. The project, led by the researcher Gabriele Cattaneo and in collaboration with the principal investigator of the BBHI and professor of the Faculty...
Thursday, 12 January, 2023
Throughout December, 343,598 customers of the Bonpreu and Esclat supermarket chain made a donation in solidarity with the Fundació Institut Guttmann. The contribution was made thanks to all the people who, when paying with a bank card, rounded up the final amount and voluntarily decided to make this donation. The amount raised will go to the project "The Heart of Guttmann", which has already begun...
Tuesday, 27 December, 2022
At the Institut Guttmann, once again this year, we have celebrated the arrival of the festive season with Christmas celebrations for everyone. At the neurorehabilitation hospital, patients, relatives, and professionals have shared a very pleasant afternoon with a very participative magic show that has made everyone laugh. Also the inpatients enjoyed the volunteers' parade, who once again this year...
Wednesday, 7 December, 2022
The PARTICIPA project held the first meeting of its Reference Group on December 1st, whose main objective was to develop the qualitative research of the project and gather information about the experience of the volunteers to define new lines of action. The meeting was held in Guttmann Barcelona and was attended by the whole team and a group of 13 volunteers, selected according to different...
Thursday, 10 November, 2022
For the second year in a row we have the collaboration of Espinaler and we have made two proposals of Christmas gifts for people and companies who want to show their solidarity with the Friends of the Institut Guttmann and to wish their family, friends, colleagues and workers a Merry Christmas, while helping us to make our hospital a more comfortable place, to carry out innovative care projects...
Monday, 7 November, 2022
A Institut Guttmann research project has been selected in the latest edition of La Marató de TV3, held in December 2021 and dedicated to mental health. The selected teams received their awards at a ceremony held on 3 November. The project awarded is "Non-invasive home-based brain stimulation to treat treatment-resistant depression: feasibility, efficacy and biomarkers of treatment response", led...
Friday, 21 October, 2022
The Hospital Germans Trias and the Institut Guttmann create a referral circuit that allows these types of patients to operate on a regular basis. As of September, the Germans Trias Hospital and the Institut Guttmann have started a joint collaboration to perform bariatric surgery in patients with spinal cord injuries and morbid obesity. It is the first agreement between health organizations to...
Monday, 17 October, 2022
We are preparing the second edition of Active Life, a program of empowerment, community training and initiation to independent living. It will take place from November 7 to 20 and will consist of two weeks of living together for a group of 6 people who have a spinal cord injury. They will acquire new tools and put into practice their skills to live alone with the necessary supports to develop in...
Friday, 30 September, 2022
On Wednesday, September 21st, the Institut Guttmann performed a nerve transposition surgery at the Neurorehabilitation Hospital located in Badalona to improve the functionality of the quadriplegic patient's hand. This neuro-orthopedic surgery allows the transfer of a preserved nerve to another nerve located below the area of ​​the spinal cord injury in order to recover the original function of the...