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Tuesday, 29 March, 2022
This weekend, the Institut Guttmann has been very present in the first of the Ponle Freno races this 2022, which has been held in Badalona. The charity race, organized by Atresmedia Eventos in collaboration with the AXA Foundation, the CGA Group and the Badalona City Council, has been a success with more than 1,000 participants running under the slogan "Don't stop, today running saves lives". The...
Thursday, 17 March, 2022
The ultimate goal of rehabilitation is to ensure that after a neurological injury the person regains as much as possible their functional autonomy, while their ability to decide on the model of life they want to live. At the Institut Guttmann, we have launched, in a pioneering way in our country, Active Life, a program of empowerment, community training and initiation into independent living. The...
Tuesday, 8 March, 2022
The Institut Guttmann has once again collaborated in a prevention campaign promoted by the Abertis Foundation. In this case, the campaign, under the name "Intermitentes", is based on a series of interviews in audiovisual format with the aim of raising awareness and disseminating about the importance of road safety and responsible behavior. Sebas Lorente, the host of the interviews, spoke with six...
Thursday, 3 March, 2022
The Institut Guttmann is a reference center in Neurorehabilitation for traumatic brain injury (TBI) and spinal cord injury (SCI). For this reason, patients and families can request to be treated and carry out their rehabilitation in the event of a traffic accident or others. For this, the hospital works with insurance companies such as AXA, which on this occasion has visited us. Mrs. Esther...
Wednesday, 23 February, 2022
The aroma of chocolate has returned to the Institut Guttmann. One more afternoon, a chocolate workshop was held for hospitalized patients and their families as part of the scheduled Animation activities. The participants, who have also had the company of some of the hospital volunteers, have made a chocolate mask thanks to the instructions of Raul, the "Xocolater de Taradell" who has already...
Thursday, 17 February, 2022
A meeting was held yesterday with the associations and other members of the Institut Guttmann Social and Participation Council to present the institution’s 2022 Work Plan. At the beginning of the meeting, the presidency and vice-president were renewed; so Mr. Toni Vilá, will replace in the presidency to Mr. Pep Solé; and Mr. Anxo Queiruga will replace as Mr. Vice President to Albert Carbonell. In...
Thursday, 10 February, 2022
The journal Nature Medicine published an article this week with the results of a new treatment that opens the possibility for people with complete spinal cord injury to walk again. This study was carried out by the Lausanne Federal Polytechnic School and Lausanne Hospital and led by neuroscientist Grégoire Courtine and Dr. Jocelyne Bloch, performed on three patients aged 29, 32 and 41 who have...
Friday, 28 January, 2022
Stressful situations can occur in any professional environment but it is known that in the case of the kitchen it is a sector with a demanding rhythm and often excessive pressure. For this reason, the Culinary Institute of Barcelona (CIB) has established a collaboration agreement with the Institut Guttmann Foundation by which Guttmann Barcelona, ​​Institute of Brain Health and Neurorehabilitation...
Tuesday, 25 January, 2022
Recovering the ability to move the arm and hand, after an episode of brain damage, is one of the most important elements for the autonomy and training of the person for the activities of daily living. Advances in understanding the mechanisms responsible for motor control, robotics, non-invasive brain stimulation, peripheral neuromodulation techniques, and virtual reality, among others, open up new...
Thursday, 21 October, 2021
On October 15th, we celebrated World Pain Day at the Institut Guttmann, focused on Telemedicine, a methodology that is helping to detect, prevent and treat pain. Although this day is celebrated worldwide on October 17th, in order to guarantee the presence of attendees and to be able to communicate the message to everyone, it was decided to advance to Friday and it resulted in a successful...